Join us and get exclusive offers only for our members from carefully selected partners in Bali. Our easy app will help you discover the best Bali has to offer. Spoil yourself with special gifts from Bali's top restaurants, cafes, beach clubs, spas, activities and hotels. Access offers worth over $2000 by becoming a member today.


Access offers worth over $2000 by becoming a member today.

change lives

Members collectively sponsor a Balinese child until adulthood, with 50% of your fees providing education, health care, and basic needs. Your contribution changes the life of the child, their family, and even their entire village.

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makE a difference

As a member, your contribution is crucial in helping us achieve our goal of making a positive difference in the world. By joining our community, your membership will join forces with others to collectively sponsor a child in need. This sponsorship will provide access to education, healthcare and opportunities that will ultimately lead to a better life for the child. The ripple effects of this sponsorship don't just stop with the child. In fact, it has a flow-on effect that positively impacts the entire family and the village in which they live in. So, by renewing or signing up for your membership today, you are not only helping a child in need but also creating a brighter future for an entire community. Thank you for your support!

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